The Slayer Network Episode Guide



"First Date"

Buffy accepts a dinner invitation from Principal Wood, who reveals that he's a former Slayer's son; Anya is jealous when Xander has a date (who, as usual, turns out to be a demon).

Number: Episode 136
Titel: First Date
Book: Jane Espenson
Direction: David Grossman
on TV: USA: 11.02.2003 /
Guests: Anthony Stewart Head als Rupert Giles
DB Woodside als Direktor Wood
Tom Lenk als Andrew
Danny Strong als Jonathan
Adam Busch als Warren
Iyari Limon als Kennedy
Sarah Hagan als Amanda
Ashanti als Lyssa
Kristy Wu als Chao-Ahn
K.D. Aubert als Nikki

Flashback to Giles back in England with an axe swinging towards his head where he simply reacts and puts his arm up to block the attack. Back to the present, Giles is retelling his adventures in England to Buffy and some potential Slayers who are out on patrol. Spike suddenly jumps out of the bushes and attacks him, thinking he was the First Evil. After they confirm that Giles isn't the First, Giles realizes that Spike's chip didn't fire off and Buffy has to inform a shocked Giles that she had the chip removed from Spike's brain. The next day at home, Giles can't understand why Buffy had Spike's chip removed. She acts rather flippant about it, trying to convince Giles that Spike's soul is going to prevent him hurting anyone. Unconvinced, Giles tries to tell her that even though she stills has feeling for him, which he can hear in her voice, but she didn't think it was right forcing Spike to be good by default.

Meanwhile, Xander is at a tool expo when he spots a gorgeous woman that he tries to help out. He then proceeds to ask her out for coffee later. That day at school, Buffy sneaks into the Principal's office and is about to go through his things when she's surprised by Principal Wood who walks into his office. He then asks her out for dinner that night to which she accepts the invitation. As she leaves his office, he pulls out a bloodied knife from his pocket and adds it to the collection he has behind the whiteboard in his office. Later on at the Summers' residence, Buffy tells Willow about her date, trying to decide whether or not it is an actual date. Xander walks in, excited to tell them about his date, but Buffy kind of stole his thunder there. Giles returns with Chao-ahn, the Chinese potential Slayer, whom he went shopping with. The language barrier is huge though and they can barely communicate with her. Andrew is in the kitchen, trying to setup the new microwave when the First Evil appears to him in the form of Jonathan. The First tries to urge Andrew to kill all the potential Slayers with the gun that Willow got recently. Upstairs, Anya tries to help Buffy get a stain out of her clothing. Anya rants on about how jealous she is of Xander's date. Buffy runs into Spike in the hallway, who tries to pass off that he's okay about Buffy having a date. Buffy tries to encourage him to go out and see other people as well.

Later that night, Xander awaits his date at the Espresso Pump who shows up on time. They order drinks and sit down at a table for two. Meanwhile Willow has tried doing internet searches for Robin Wood, but isn't coming up with much. Anya prances into the room, displacing hideous flashcards that Giles made for Chao-ahn in an attempt to teach her what vampires and slayers are. They're unbelievably gory and now she's locked herself in the bathroom. Buffy and Robin Wood find themselves in a back alley somewhere, trying to find a restaurant that Wood likes so much. Suddenly they're attacked by a group of vampires. Buffy fights off several of them while, much to her surprise, Wood manages to expertly stake two vampires. They arrive at the restaurant and head in, deciding that they need to talk. Back on Xander's date, Lissa tells Xander she can think of something fun to do. At Buffy and Wood's dinner, Wood tells her that he knows she's the Slayer and he hired her because she's important and he needs her help on top of the Hellmouth. He can sense something huge is coming and he wants to help her in the fight. He also tells her that his mother was once a Slayer and she died when he was only 4 years old by a vampire. He tells her that he doesn't have any special powers but he does know how to fight because his mother's Watcher took him in and raised him.

Back at home, Andrew gets the gun from Buffy's underwear drawer and shows it to Jonathan, who tells him to trap the potential Slayers in the basement and then just try shooting them all. Andrew tries to get the First Evil to start talking about his weaknesses, because he wants to know more about evil, or so he says. Realizing something is wrong, the First realizes that Andrew is wearing a wire. In the basement, Willow, listening in on the conversation, realizes that they've been found out. Angered, the First taunts Andrew about what he did to Jonathan and how he was killed. The First then speaks to Willow and the others in the basement and appears to them, in a deformed version of Jonathan before disappearing.

Meanwhile, unsurprisingly, Xander finds himself being strapped to a large wooden structure and hung over the symbol of Danzalthar. Lissa has this all rigged up and plans to raise a Turok Han, using Xander's blood. Back at the Summers', Giles is disturbed that people are out on dates when suddenly Willow gets a text message from Xander that says either he's getting lucky or he's out with a demon that's trying to kill him. Spike heads out to find Buffy because they need her to find Xander. Spike interrupts Buffy's meal with Wood and informs her that Xander is in trouble. Meanwhile, Lissa stabs Xander through the stomach with a sharp sword, causing his blood to fall over the symbol of Danzalthar. Buffy, Spike and Wood race towards the school and rush into the basement. Buffy immediately heads for Lissa, who's a lot stronger than she appears to be. Spike and Buffy fight off Lissa while Wood releases Xander from his restraints, just in time too, because the symbol was starting to open up. Buffy eventually gains the upperhand with Lissa and cuts her head off with her own sword. During this time, Wood realizes that Spike is a vampire, which shocks and disgusts him. Xander's a little shocked and sore, but he's going to be fine. They return home and Xander announces that he's going to become gay and asks Willow for some instruction. Giles interrupts, pointing out that they have no time for fun and games and they need to start taking things more seriously. Later on, Buffy and Spike are talking and she tells him he has to stay, because she isn't ready for him to be gone.

Meanwhile, Robin Wood is in his apartment when suddenly, his mother appears to him, though it's really the first evil. It's the Slayer from 1977 that was killed in a New York City subway car. Wood knows that it's the First Evil though and walks right through her, telling her that he doesn't need her. Suddenly the First Evil tells him what he's been wanting to know: that Spike was the vampire that killed his mother.

Spike: "Anya said you were the First. Said you were evil. You're supposed to be all go-through-able."
Giles: "Then what the hell did you tackle me for, you burke? What's that supposed to do?"
Spike: "I... uh, I didn't think of that."

Buffy: "It's not even that his behavior's that suspicious. But there he is, right over the Hellmouth all day every day. It's gotta be like being showered with evil, only from underneath."
Willow: "Not really a shower."
Buffy: "A bidet, then. A bidet of evil."

Xander: "Guys, guess what happened."
Willow: "Buffy got a date!"
Xander: "No, I did. Fine. Way to steal my thunder."

Xander: "Also, like, ten years older than you, right?"
Willow: "Which makes him, like a hundred years younger than your type."
Buffy: "Yay. Someone who doesn't remember the industrial revolution."

Andrew: "Confidentially, a lot of her people are murderers. Anya and Willow and Spike..."

Giles: "Buffy has a date?"
Anya: "Yes... didn't you hear? Everybody has a date. Buffy has a date. Willow's been completely making out with this girl...
Kennedy: "Hey!"
Anya: "Xander's out with some hardware-store-whore. It's Date Fest 2003."

Lyssa: "Sure. Do the ropes hurt?"
Xander: "Yes."
Lyssa: "Good."

Xander: "C'mon Willow, let's get this gay show on the gay road. Help me out here!"
Buffy: "What if you just start attracting male demons?"
Dawn: "Clem always liked you."

First/Nikki: "You met him. You know him. You fought at his side."
Robin: "Spike."
First/Nikki: "Now, what do you say?"
Robin: "Thank you." Mystery & Sci-Fi Store