The Slayer Network Episode Guide




Tara's sudden death pushes Willow over the edge. After magically saving Buffy from her own wounds, Willow — consumed by anger and dark magic — hunts down Warren and tortures and kills him.

Number: Episode 120
Titel: Villains
Book: Marti Noxon
Direction: David Solomon
on TV: USA: 14.05.2002 /
Guests: Danny Strong als Jonathan
Adam Busch als Warren
Tom Lenk als Andrew
James C. Leary als Clem
Amelinda Embry als Katrina
Steven W. Bailey als Dämon in Höhle
Tim Hodgin als Bestatter
Michael Matthys als Notarzt
Julie Hermelin als Sekretärin
Alan Henry Brown als Dämon
Mueen J. Ahmad als Arzt
Jane Cho als Krankenschwester #1
Meredith Cross als Krankenschwester #2
David Adefeso als Notarzt #2
Jeffrey Nicholas Brown als Vampir #1
Nelson Frederick
Jeff Kober als Rack

Comming Soon..

Willow: "Pleease.. Bring her back.."
Osiris: "You may not violate the laws of natural passing.."
Willow: "How? How is this natural?"
Osiris: "It is a human death, by human means."
Willow: "But I..."
Osiris: "You raised one killed by mystical forces. This is not the same. She is taken by natural order. It is done!"

Willow: "When he shot you, he hit her too. Upstairs, in my room."
Buffy: "Oh my God..."
Willow: "Guess the last shot was the charm."
Xander: "She's dead..?"
Willow: "She's dead. And now he's dead."

Dawn: "He killed Tara, and he nearly killed you. He needs to pay."

Xander: "I've had blood on my hands all day. Blood from people I love.."
Buffy: "I know. And now it has to stop. Warren's going to get what he deserves, I promise you. But I won't let Willow destroy herself."

Warren: "You'll lose them too. Your friends. You don't want that. I know, you're in pain but..."
Willow: "Bored now."

Buffy: "Willow, no.. What did you do?"
Willow: "One down.."

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