The Slayer Network Episode Guide



"Older And Far Away"

Dawn feels like the odd-girl out on Buffy's birthday, leading to a fateful wish that leaves the Slayer and her friends trapped in the Summers' home with a demon.

Number: Episode 114
Titel: Older And Far Away
Book: Drew Z. Greenberg
Direction: Michael E. Gershman
on TV: USA: 12.02.2002 /
Guests: Kali Rocha als Halfrek
Ryan Browning als Richard
Amber Benson als Tara
Laura Roth als Sophie
James C. Leary als Clem
Elizabeth Cazenave als Lehrerin

Buffy heads out, leaving Dawn at home alone. She fights and defeats a demon with a large sword in the cemetery. The demon's essence flies into the sword once she's stabbed it. She is unaware of the demon inside the sword and it takes it along home with her. The next day at the Magic Box, everyone is discussing Buffy's birthday and no one wants/can go to the mall with Dawn for Buffy's birthday present. After shopping, Dawn pulls shoplifted items from the stores out of her coat pockets, as well as a new leather jacket she stole from an expensive store. At school the next day, Dawn gets called down to guidance where the councilor wants to talk to her. She wants to help and she knows there's been a lot of loss in Dawn's family. Dawn then opens up and she wishes that her friends and family would never go away.

That night is Buffy's party, and she's invited Sophie from work. Anya and Xander brought a friend named Richard for Buffy to hang out with in the hopes that there will be sparks between them. Tara shows up as well and Buffy is happy to see her, as is Willow who has a rather awkward conversation with her. Spike appears out of nowhere, uninvited, with Clem. Buffy explains to Richard that Clem has a skin condition. Tara then mentions to Spike that Richard is awfully cute, trying to aggravate him. Spike tries to pull Buffy away but she won't have it. Later on Buffy opens presents and she's astonished to get a leather jacket from Dawn. Dawn forgot about the security tag left on the jacket (since she stole it) but as soon as Xander and Anya bring in their present (a rather large trunk specially made), Buffy immediately forgets the jacket, upsetting Dawn. We then see Dawn's councillor outside who is actually a vengeance demon and casts Dawn wish that no one would leave her.

Everyone is still partying at Buffy's and Richard is being super nice to Buffy. Tara catches Buffy and Spike and Spike makes pathetic excuses about their actions. Everyone spends the night but when they wake up in the morning they find that they can't leave the house, no matter how hard they try to leave. Everyone has somewhere else to be except Dawn, who runs upstairs angry that everyone wants to leave. She denies knowing anything about why no one can leave and screeches at everyone to get out of her room. Tara agrees to try some spells but instead of releasing them from the house, she releases the demon in the sword that Buffy brought home with her. Buffy tries to attack him but the demon melts immediately into the walls after having stabbed Richard. Come nightfall, they still haven't found a way out of the house and the demon is still loose. Anya then gets really angry at Willow for not even trying to do a spell to release them all. Willow argues that she can't. Anya comments get more and more heated but Tara steps in and tells Anya to back off that no one is going to force Willow to do anything she doesn't want to do.

Dawn tells Buffy that she has no friends and she always feels alone. She mentions a councillor at school that she talked to and Buffy realizes that it must have been a demon. Anya rushes in on them and starts searching through Dawn's room for clues about the demon. She uncovers loads of stolen goods from the Magic Box and accuses Dawn immediately. Buffy tries to defend Dawn until she realizes that Dawn gave her a jacket with the security tag still left on. After learning about the councillor, Anya realizes that it was Halfrek that cast the spell. Anya calls her out and Hallie appears but so does the demon who stabs her through the stomach. Buffy attacks the demon and grabs the sword. She guts the demon and snaps the sword in half. Hallie is fine despite being stabbed and tells everyone that Dawn is a troubled teen in pain. Hallie and Spike recognize each other which takes them totally by surprise. Hallie then tries to poof out but she can't because of the spell. Though she didn't want to, she now lifts the curse and everyone can leave the house. Tara packs up the magick stuff that Willow had let her use for the spells and tells her there will be no more safety net and she's proud of Willow for not attempting any magic that night. Everyone leaves the house, except for Buffy who stays behind with Dawn.

Buffy: "Like I'm one of those losers who can't make friends outside her tight little circle?! No- I'm friendly. We bonded instantly. Peas in a pod. Bonded peas."
Anya: "Really? Uhm, what's Sophie's last name?"
Buffy: "Okay, shut up."

Tara: "He seemed.. cute. W-was he cute? I mean, I'm not a very good judge, but.. I think he seemed cute!"
Clem: "I think he seemed cute, yeah."

Spike: "I'll let you blow out my candles."
Tara erwischt Buffy und Spike zusammen.
Spike: "I had.. a.. muscle cramp. Buffy was.. uh, helping."
Tara: "A muscle cramp? In your pants?"
Spike: "What, it's a thing!"
Tara: "Right."

Spike: "Must be some late-night activities to keep us busy till morning."
Tara: "How's that cramp, Spike? Still bothering you?"
Spike: "What? Oh.. yeah."
Tara: "Maybe you.. uh, wanna put some ice on it."

Willow über magische Utensilien: "I, uh.. might have kept one or.. or two things. Sort of.. just in case."
Xander: "That's great! ... in a very bad way!"

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