The Slayer Network Episode Guide



"Once More, With Feeling"

A mysterious force impels the Scooby Gang to burst into song, revealing their true feelings. Buffy admits that she was pulled out of heaven, and she and Spike share a kiss. Musical episode, with the cast doing their own vocals.

Number: Episode 107
Titel: Once More, With Feeling
Book: Joss Whedon
Direction: Joss Whedon
on TV: USA: 06.11.2001 /
Guests: Anthony Stewart Head als Rupert Giles
Hinton Battle als Sweet (Dämon)
Amber Benson als Tara
Marti Noxon als Frau mit Strafzettel
David Fury als Senf-Mann
Daniel Weaver als junger Mann
Scot Zeller als Marionette
Zachary Woodlee als Dämon / Marionette
Timothy Anderson als Marionette
Alex Estronei als Marionette
Matt Sims als Stundent
Hunter Cochrane als Student

This is a musical and somewhat difficult to transcribe because every lyric in the songs had a meaning.

The women in the Summers' house wake up to a new day and go about preparing themselves.

That night Buffy goes out on patrol and bursts into song about how she's only going through the motions. She wants to be alive again and not be so oblivious to feelings. The next day she goes to the Magic Box where she asks if anyone else burst out into song last night. They all fess up and can't figure out what's happening. Giles srtarts off a song where they all suggest their theories. Buffy then sings that if they're all together they can face anything. Buffy checks outside and realizes that it's not only the Scoobies affected by the singing and dancing. Dawn returns from school with the same news of people dancing and singing.

Willow and Tara take off for a break from research. Tara sings a love song to Willow and how she's been brought into the light of day when she met her. They dance and sing all the way home where Tara floats into the air. Back at the Magic Box, Dawns says she finds all the dancing and singing romantic. She then quietly steals an amulet and puts it in her pocket. Meanwhile outside, a man dances until he bursts into flame while a demon wactches on. The next day Anya and Xander get out of bed and start singing about their fears of being married and how they'll never tell each other certain secrets. Later on Anya and Xander babble to Giles about their song and he tells them about the man that spontaneously combusted. Buffy goes to Spike's crypt hoping he has some answers. He doesn't, and tells her to leave. He suddenly breaks into a song and to his dismay he finds himself singing about his feelings for Buffy. He loves her but she's also torturing him and he wants her to leave him alone so that he can rest in peace. His words don't seem to be affecting her until they fall into a grave outside and a confused Buffy gets up and runs off at high speed.

At home Dawn is talking with Tara and she says she's glad that Tara and Willow made up after their fight. Confused, Tara looks down at her shirt where she pinned Wilow's forgetting flower on herself. Realizing what must have happened she leaves Dawn alone in the house so that she can do research at the Magic Box. Dawn puts on the talisman she stole from the Magic Box and starts singing about how no one cares for her when she's suddenly kidnapped by three men in masks and brought to the Bronze. She dances around with them until the demon Sweet appears. He sings her song in which she'll become his queen in his underworld because she summoned him. He explains that after singing and dancing too much, people will combust. Dawn lets slip that her sister is the Slayer and Sweet orders his minions to have Buffy brought to the Bronze immediately.

While Giles trains Buffy he starts singing to her though she doesn't listen to him. He feel's he's sheltering Buffy from the world and he's standing in her way. Though he wants to stay, he knows he'll have to leave her. Meanwhile Tara looks through several books and realizes that Willow played tricks with her mind. Harmonizing with Giles, they sing that they'll have to leave their loved ones, though it'll break their hearts. Spike bursts in abruptly with Sweet's minion who tells Buffy that Dawn is being held hostage at the Bronze. Giles tells them all that Buffy is going alone and they will not help her. Lost, Buffy heads to the Bronze, singing on the way how she feels cold to the fire and she wants her fire back. Giles then decides that he made a bad decision and the group heads out to help Buffy. Buffy, still singing, how she can never tell her friends her immense secret. Buffy reaches the Bronze and kicks the door down. Sweet is inside, waiting for her.

Buffy starts off a song how life's a show and everyone plays a part. During her song she fights the minions and sings how she works so hard to be like other girls. The rest of the gang arrive and Tara and Anya act as Buffy's backup dancers. Continuin her solo, Buffy tells her friends how they didn't know enough and they pulled her out of heaven. Horrified, Willow backs away in shame. Buffy says she has nothing to sing about and starts dancing wildly until she begins to smoke. Spike stops her and tells her that she must go on living. The song ends and Sweet says he'll now take Dawn away because she summoned him. Xander steps in and admits he was the one who summoned Sweet because he wanted to know how his marriage to Anya would turn out. Sweet agrees to leave Xander and disappears in a poof. Dawn leads them in song. The whole gang is confused about where to go from here. During the song Spike gives up and heads outside where Buffy catches up to him. She starts to sing to him and then she reaches for him and they kiss.

Xander: "Somebody set people on fire? That's nuts."
Anya: "I don't know. One more verse of our little ditty, and I would have been looking for a gas can."

Buffy: "So, Dawn's in trouble? Must be Tuesday."

Sweet: "What if I kill you?"
Buffy: "Trust me, won't help."
Sweet: "Oh, that's gloomy."
Buffy: "That's life."

Dawn: "The hardest thing in this world is to live in it."

Spike: "You should go back inside. Finish the big group sing, get your kumba-yayas out."
Buffy: "I don't want to."
Spike: "The day you suss out what you do want, there'll probably be a parade. Seventy-six bloody trombones."

Overture / Going Through the Motions (Buffy, Dämonen)
I've Got a Theory (Scoobies, ohne Dawn)
Bunnies (Anya)
If We're Together (Buffy, Scoobies)
The Mustard (Leute auf Straße)
Under Your Spell (Tara)
I'll Never Tell (Xander, Anya)
Parking Ticket (Frau)
Broomdance (auf Straße)
Rest in Peace (Spike)
Dawn's Lament
Ballad (im Bronze)
What You Feel (Sweet)
Standing (Giles)
Under Your Spell / Standing (Tara, Giles)
Walk Through the Fire (Buffy, Sweet, Spike, Scoobies)
Something to Sing About (Buffy)
What You Feel (Sweet)
Where Do We Go From Here (Scoobies, Spike)
Coda (Buffy, Spike) Mystery & Sci-Fi Store