The Slayer Network Episode Guide



"Ohne Buffy lebt sich's länger"

Der Meister hat einen Plan: Nachdem fünf Opfer gestorben sind wird der Auswewählte kommen, um Buffy zu vernichten. Wärendessen muß sich Buffy entscheiden: Owen, ein netter aber etwas komischer Junge will sich mit ihr verabreden. Am nächsten Tag wird aber will Giles Buffy von dem Date abhalten - aber Buffy geht mit Owen aus, der später mitansehen muß, wie Buffy einen Vampir killt. Buffy merkt, in was für eine Gefahr sie Owen gebracht hat und redet mit ihm: "Laß uns Freunde bleiben..."

Nummer: Folge 5
O-Titel: Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
Buch: Robert Des Hotel
Dean Batali
Regie: David Semel
Erstsendung: USA: 31.03.1997 / PRO7: 24.10.1998
Gastdarsteller: The Master Mark Metcalf
Angel David Boreanaz
Owen Thurman Christopher Wiehl
Militia Guy Geoff Meed
Van Driver Robert Mont
Boy Andrew J. Ferchland
Mysterious Guy Paul-Felix Montez

In the middle of a late-night sparring session at the cemetery, Buffy and Giles discover a ring with a mysterious engraving in it. The scene shifts to the Master Vampire's lair, where the Master explains that the Anointed One -- the Master's greatest warrior and the Slayer's greatest foe is due to rise from the ashes of five dead. The next day, Buffy is asked out by a handsome, poetry-loving classmate named Owen who she is smitten with. Buffy's good mood is spoiled by Giles, who's connected the engraving in the ring to a violent prophecy which is about to be fulfilled... that night. Buffy very reluctantly joins Giles at the cemetery, but nothing happens there. Meanwhile, an airport van crashes and although the five passengers -- including a burly, tattooed man who's been ranting incoherently -- survive the wreck, they die when the van is overtaken by vampires.

The next day, Owen and Buffy decide to try again, much to Giles' (and a very jealous Xander's) chagrin.

As Buffy prepares for her date, Giles comes over with the news: five people were killed the night before, just as the prophecy described, and one of them -- the tattooed man -- was wanted for murder. This leads Giles to believe that he is the Anointed one. Buffy insists on going on to the Bronze with Owen, but Willow and Xander agree to go along with Giles to the Sunnydale Funeral Home so he can check the bodies for clues. Giles is greeted by vampires, and though Willow and Xander try to help him, they realize this is Buffy's domain. They run off to the Bronze to fetch her, but sheís already hooked up with Owen. Unable to blurt out their news, they merrily suggest to Buffy a jaunt to the funeral home.

Once they get there, they're shocked to find Owen has followed them. As Buffy looks around for clues, the tattooed man -- now a vampire -- arises from a gurney and tears the place apart. Buffy kicks him, knocking him on a gurney, which hits the cremation oven and slides him right in. The next day, Owen is pumped up about the previous nightís adventures and canít wait for the next date. Realizing she almost got him killed, Buffy reluctantly gives him the "let's be friends" speech. Giles commends her on her maturity, and reminds her that she did prevent a disaster. But all is not resolved. We see the Master in his lair, welcoming the Anointed one: it is an eight-year-old boy from the van accident, who smiles to reveal a mouth full of fangs.

Auch diese Folge ist in englisch auf Video erhältlich.

Gile's Kennzeichen am "Auto" ist 2GPU496.

Giles ist ein Wächter der dritten Generation in seiner Familie.

Foto: Owen

The Master: "And one of the brethren shall go out hunting the night before and get himself killed, because he couldn't wait to finish his job before he ate. Oh, wait... that's not written anywhere."
Xander: "So, Buffy, how'd the slaying go last night?"
Buffy: "Xander!"
Xander: "I mean, how'd the laying go last night. No, I don't mean that either."

Buffy: "But... cute guy... teenager... post-pubescent fantasies!"

Giles: "I have volumes of lore, of prophecies, of predictions, but I don't have an instruction manual. We feel our way as we go along. And, I must say, as a Slayer you're doing... pretty well."

Three Day Wheely - "Rotten Apple" (From Rubber Halo, IRS Records, 1996)
Plays as Cordelia and Owen dance after Buffy misses her first date with Owen.

Velvet Chain - "Strong" (From Warm, Overall Records, 1997)
Velvet Chain is the band on stage at the Bronze during Owen and Buffy's date. They play "Strong" as they sit on the couch talking.

Velvet Chain - "Treason" (From Warm, Overall Records, 1997)
This plays when Buffy asks Owen to dance.

Rubber - "Junkie Girl" (unavailable)
Plays at The Bronze as Angel shows up to warn Buffy about the Anointed One.

Kim Richey - "Let the Sun Fall Down" (From Kim Richey, Mercury Nashville Records, 1995)
Plays in the background as Buffy "breaks up" with Owen.